
Showing posts from May, 2020


 USCIRF report may prompt (cause) concerns -  In the latest report of USCIRF , India was put in the lowest grade of "Countries of Particular Concern", which was rejected by our country. This ranking was given due to India's approach towards a particular religion i.e. muslims ( example- CAA,NRC etc.). This is actually a reputational issue involved because India is considered as the largest democracy and our core is in unity in diversity. We should not ignore it because to be in the same pool with Pakistan , China , North korea is an unfortunate thing. USCIRF was created by the American by "International Freedom Act of 1998 ". \USCIRF stands for United States Commission of International Religious Freedom's . 135 CRPF jawans of Delhi test positive - Days after 55 year of old Sub Inspector of CRPF died of COVID 19 , as many as 135 personnel from the same unit have tested positive to the virus. Keyword - CRPF - CRPF stands for Central Re...


Today's Current Affair -  1- March core sector output slumps ( मंदी) 6.5 %- # Because of COVID 19 pandemic , in March core sector output is contracted by 6.5 %. # It is a report given by commerce mininstry.  # Keyword - Core sector -   The Eight  Core Industries  comprise nearly 40.27% of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP). These are Electricity , steel, refinery products, crude oil, coal, cement, natural gas and fertilisers. 2- Icon of ROMANCE takes a final blow - Rishi Kapoor dies in Mumbai hospital after two year battle with leukaemia (blood cancer). 3- Spend rupees 65,000 crore for the poor : RAJAN  # According to Raghuram Rajan India need to be very smart now on dealing with pandemic .  # Indian economy is of rupees 200 lakh crore out of which 65,000 crore should be spend to take care of vulnerable section such as migrant workers . #  Indian economy should be an opened one , to deal with CO...